Elvis Presley

How old was Priscilla Presley when she got with Elvis Presley

How old was Priscilla Presley when she got with Elvis Presley.  How old was priscilla when she married Elvis. Priscella…

5 years ago

Elvis Presley Tour Dates January 1955

Friday 28 January 1955 Elvis Presley Gaston High School Auditorium, Gaston, TX, US   Thursday 27 January 1955 Elvis Presley Reo…

5 years ago

Elvis Presley and Vera Tschechowa

Vera Tschechowa was an 18 year old actress in Germany who had a brief publicity romance – a showmance –…

5 years ago

Elvis Presley Quiz: “Jailhouse Rock”

Elvis Presley Quiz: "Jailhouse Rock"

5 years ago